Hope Springs Eternal :)

This weird winter of scraping ice, digging out from blizzards and wild winds, sure has us all looking forward to all that Spring will bring. Yesterday's sunshine, blue skies and mildness melted patches of snow to reveal a bit of green. Soon the big melt will begin, buds will burst into blossoms, the birds will be back to sing in the morning light and the Lake Huron sunsets will appear later in the day. With our hope for Spring, comes our desire to get back out, get together and swing into some wonderful golf.
In the meantime, here's some positive thoughts.
Ellen & Paul
March 16.......Pre-Patty's Day Party

March 20......First Day of Spring

April 11..........Masters Golf Tournament Begins

April 19-22....Easter Weekend

May 12...........Mother's Day
May 17-20.....May24 Long Weekend

May 25th......Autism Awareness Golf Tourney
You can register for this event via Eventbrite. The link is on the posted Facebook Event: Autism Awareness Golf Tournament 2019. You can also pay your registration fee at Sauble Golf & Country Club starting in March 2019.

May 31..........25th Anniversary Troy Schmidt Memorial Golf Tourney
This is the last year the Foundation will run this tournament. Register today. Call The Bruce Peninsula Health Services Foundation office 519 534-5856